Your frequently asked dental questions are answered here. Have a question that isn’t on the list? Contact us and we will answer it.
What if I have a toothache?
Painful toothaches are symptomatic of tooth decay or an issue in need of attention. Call us as soon as possible so we can prevent further harm, increased pain, and/or substantial tooth decay. In the interim between when you first feel pain and your appointment, painkillers such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can be used to manage pain, but do not take more than the recommended amount.
Slight discomfort or tingling from eating or drinking something that is cold may not be a reason to worry, as it could be that you have sensitive teeth. Generally, using toothpaste for sensitive teeth will help.
What If I have a dental emergency?
Call us immediately and we will arrange an appointment as quickly as possible. In some cases if there has been trauma to the mouth, it may be necessary to go to the emergency room.
What if I fracture my tooth?
Most fractured teeth can be restored. Avoid hot or cold food and drinks and do not place pressure of the fractured tooth. Painkillers can be taken if there is pain. The sooner you contact us, the less pain will result. Set up an appointment immediately.
What if my crown falls out?
If possible, keep your crown so it can be re-cemented. Replacing the crown as soon as possible is necessary to avoid a root canal or further damage. Contact us to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.
What if my denture breaks?
We are able to repair broken dentures. Do not attempt to glue them together as this can make a permanent repair more difficult. Call us so we can fix them.
What if I my tooth gets knocked out?
If your tooth gets knocked out, call us immediately. The tooth must be re-implanted as soon as possible. Do not handle or rub the tooth as this can damage the fibers and root surface. Place the tooth back into the tooth’s socket and splint with a piece of paper. If this is not possible, place the tooth in cold milk or on to the side of your mouth, between your cheek and teeth. Do not place tooth in water. Call us to set up an emergency appointment so your tooth can be restored.
What if I have swelling?
Swelling and inflammation occur when there is an infection. Call us immediately to address the problem and receive antibiotics.
Is My Family Dentist open on Saturday?
Yes we are, for the convenience of our patients. We are open from 9am-5pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9am-7pm Tuesday and Thursday, and 9am-4am on Saturday. Contact us if you would like to schedule a visit.
Are you a late night dentist?
On Tuesday and Thursday are open from 9am-7pm. Contact us if you would like to schedule a visit. If you’re in pain, have lost or broken a tooth, don’t hesitate to call us for your urgent dental work.